Always use good judgment.
Some injuries and illnesses can be monitored at home safely for the evening/weekend and can be evaluated during normal working hours. Please use this information as a guideline before administering care and/or medications. Also remember, if you have questions you can always call the EMERGENCY CLINIC at 336-896 0902. We learned in veterinary school that “Cats are NOT small dogs,” and the same holds true that “Pets are NOT small people.” Each animal is unique and processes medication differently than a human being. Do not administer your personal medications to your pet!
How to Treat MINOR Illnesses and Injuries at Home*
My Pet Ate Something – Is It Toxic?
Ripped Toenail / Cut Toenail while Clipping
Food Allergy or Skin Irritaiton
*** ANY of the Following Conditions Require Immediate Medical Attention ***
Reminder: NEVER try to home-remedy the following conditions. Call the emergency clinic at 336-896-0902
- Any pet with blood loss that cannot be controlled with light pressure
- A pet who is unresponsive, unconscious or extremely lethargic
- A pet whose gum color is white, blue, purple, or bright red
- A pet who is straining to urinate and cannot produce urine
- A pet who is in pain that lasts longer than 15 minutes
- A pet who has a seizure (ictal phase-tremors, etc.) that lasts more than 5 minutes
- Any pet who has a head injury or traumatic injury where you suspect internal bleeding
- A pet who drinks antifreeze needs to be treated immediately
- Any scratch or injury to the globe of the eye (the “eyeball”)
- Any vomiting or diarrhea that is continual–even if the vomiting is water